Online training coordinating radiologists
On both April 22nd and 23rd LRCB has organized an online training for coordinating radiologists, to familiarize them with a new feedback style, based on individual data. This new style of feedback will only be useful if radiologists will be able to understand how these data should be interpreted. Coordinating radiologists will be responsible for interpreting this feedback and convert it into points of improvement for a group of screening radiologists.
During an online session a number of cases were discussed, partly in breakout rooms with smaller groups, facilitated by our epidemiologists, Prof. Mireille Broeders and Danielle van der Waal, PhD.
After this morning session, Cary van Landsveld took over and discussed, on the basis of a number of mammograms, how case review sessions with radiographers could be improved.
Finally, Professor Ruud Pijnappel closed the day with a number of current subjects that have had some media attention lately, like the Dense Trial, contrast mammography, and the prolonged screening interval in The Netherlands.
Online learning is quite different than a training day at LRCB, however, we look back on these two days with a very positive feeling!

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