CC imaging
- Symmetrical images
- Medials are fully depicted
- Laterals are depicted as far as possible
- Fibro-glandular triangle fully depicted and stretched out as far as possible
- Musc. pectoralis depicted if possible
- Nipple between 12 and 1 o’clock if possible
- Free projection of nipple, if possible
MLO imaging
- Symmetrical images
- Sufficient breadth in musc. pectoralis depiction
- Sufficient depth in musc. pectoralis depiction (± nipple level)
- Fibro-glandular triangle depicted at maximum breadth and stretched out as far as possible
- Breast-abdomen transition depicted
- Free projection of nipple, if possible
General quality criteria
- Uniform, reproducable mammogram
- Good compression
- No folds
- Correct imaging (acquisition, processing, reproduction)
- No lack of sharpness through movement
- Correct marking and identification
- No obscuring elements (shoulder, chin, hair…)